The Emir of Kuwait stresses the importance of advancing the mechanisms of cooperation between the Arab countries and China


The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, stressed the need to promote the mechanisms of cooperation between the Arab countries and China, thus contributing to the higher interests of both parties and reinforcing the historical relationship between them. At the Ministerial Meeting of the Forum on Arab-Chinese Cooperation Held in Beijing, in the Presence of Chinese President Shen Jinping, Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Current Chairman of the Arab Council of Ministers Adel Al-Jubeir and Secretary General of the Arab League, Ahmed Abul-Gheit.

and pointed out that economic relations between Kuwait and China are a reason to build on them to achieve more. Both countries have begun to talk about future giant projects that reflect the partnership. Bilateral cooperation, considering China as one of Kuwait's most important trading partners, represents a fundamental dimension of the relationship.

He stresses that China-China constructive and continuous cooperation is a strong support for joint cooperation in the Arab-Chinese context; Concerning the establishment of an area He underlined that the difficult circumstances and conditions led to a greater emphasis on achieving progress and good results, stressing that this cooperation would lead to political consultations and to coordination on current issues and crises, to contribute to regional and international security and stability. "

" We are fully aware that this cooperation, which has existed for nearly a decade and a half, will not be able to grow and continue to achieve the desired objectives. And unstable in our homeland The Palestinian cause, which is our first major problem, is still far from the attention and priorities of the world, despite the threat it poses to security and stability. Tragedy in Yemen, Syria, Libya and Somalia continues to destroy the heart of our Arab nation. The circle of the unknown invites us to work with us to overcome the challenges we face, thanks to the weight and international influence of China and to a sincere commitment to the goals and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. , And Understands

The Emir of Kuwait has emphasized his support for China's policy and territorial integrity and his unwavering commitment to the principle of a single China, as well as his efforts to find a peaceful solution to territorial and territorial conflicts. On the bilateral terms of trade, the figures confirm that China ranks second in Kuwait's exports of oil and its derivatives, while the value of Kuwait's non-oil exports to China is about 480 millions of US dollars. While tb The value of Chinese imports into Kuwait is about US $ 5 billion and US $ 100 million, as well as the volume of Kuwaiti investment in the Chinese market, while the volume of trade between CCG and China is 127 billion. Cooperation between Arab countries and China has reached $ 191 billion for 2017, while Arab countries look forward to the promising partnership in the belt and road project as it represents the Strategic Objectives and Unlimited Possibilities of cooperation and the Lord

and emphasized the Arab-Chinese cooperation in the field of energy, through the establishment of major investment projects in the field of oil and natural gas, and benefit from the Chinese experience in the peaceful use of nuclear energy and renewable energy. .

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