The first comment of the Sisi on Hashtag "Leave" … Masrawy


Sisi's first commentary on Hashtag "Leave"


Saturday, July 28, 2018

Yasmine Mohammed wrote:

President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi, Ali Hashtag, commented, "Go in, Sissi," saying, "We have entered a nation of misery, a nation of poverty, and we entered it.

In his speech at the session of the Egyptian man building strategy on Saturday, he added that during the conference, "I will get you out of misery, The sixth national youth to the # Cairo University: "Think we are a magic wand to build the human, not the process of interaction, and we need to get out of the mood, economic, and 'I do not remember the past despite my respect for him, he says, I do not call the past, despite my respect for him, But we want a new identity that interacts with reality and its development .. and the problems that exist in all religions they can not believe that God created our religion, and that the creation of the human sciences our Lord and the people of this Ptdzmoa. For the shape of the man, the shape of the ordinary man, although they are supposed to be consistent "

The first session of the Youth Conference is held at the Cairo University, in its sixth session today in the presence of Sisi, and will last until Sunday, July 29.

Meeting of the "Prime Minister" The conference will begin at 10 am with the session "Developing the health insurance system", which will be attended by the Minister of Health, a number of deans of medical schools and young doctors.

At noon, begins the session of the "Project" National Information System for the Egyptian State "and the" Ask the President "In which Sissi answers questions in the presence of university youth, and attends at 4 pm, the closing session of the lecture.

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