The governor of Alexandria studies the recycling of solid waste for garbage


Dr. Mohamed Sultan, Governor of Alexandria, met today with representatives of JST JST, a leading South Korean company in the manufacture of alternative fuel production equipment, for study solid waste recycling in the province. Mr. Oussama El Khouly, executive director of Nahdet Misr Company, as part of the plan to maintain the efficiency of the system of cleanliness

Initially, the governor welcomed the members of the l 39; ;business. In the area of ​​reintroduction He stressed that we are studying all the offers made in the field of the development of the system of cleanliness in Alexandria in order to offer the best service to the citizens and stressed the importance of recycling the projects in particular by using waste as fuel for cement plants. The governor also stressed the great interest of political leaders to improve the efficiency of the cleanliness system in Alexandria, noting that he works with the utmost effort to improve the level of cleanliness of the city and return to Alexandria as a former wife of the Mediterranean.

The Governor listened to a detailed explanation of the services provided by the company and his presentation of the cleanliness system in Alexandria, and ways to benefit from his own experiences, pointing out that all the offers submitted by the undertaking will be examined by the competent authorities to start implementation. , s, id) {
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