The governor of Assiut announces the launch of training courses for crisis managers


Assyut Governor Ybader Al-Desouki announced the launch of training courses in crisis and disaster management in centers and cities, such as the Center for Disaster and Disaster Management governorate. For his part, Mohamed Abdul Jalil Al-Najjar, Secretary General of the province, attended the beginning of the training phase at the Provincial Directorate in the presence of Colonel Walid Al-Shahat, the province's military advisor. and Mohieddin Abdul Latif D The Secretary-General stressed the importance of this training to improve the expertise and information of young cadres of local units and qualify them to work in disaster management units and crises in centers and neighborhoods.

In the presence of 17 trainees from 6 centers in addition to 4 from the main operations room and the second group are formed from July 30 to August 1 and 21 trainees from the rest of the centers and neighborhoods.

The Secretary General of the Province indicated that the content of conferences

The conferences also deal with the role of the press and the media, their importance in the management of crises and disasters, the reduction of their risks and corruption and the role of the armed forces in crises and disasters. The role of decentralization in decision-making and its importance in crisis and disaster management, the role of emergency teams and crisis management agencies, as well as communication technologies and technologies in management crisis and crisis planning.
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