The governor of Luxor is mandated to provide places for the registration of newborns away from the catering bureaus


Mohamed Badr, governor of Luxor, asked Dr. Tamer Salah, undersecretary of the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade of the province, to identify the other rationing centers that will start on the 1st August.

The Governor of Luxor believes that the identification of places far from the rationing offices to receive requests for the addition of newborns, facilitates the submission of citizens to requests where will be identified places equipped to receive citizens in an orderly rather than overburdened way Including the selection of places also suitable for citizens with special needs to ensure the realization of the principle of equal opportunities for all citizens and facilitate access to all services provided in an appropriate manner.

For his part, the undersecretary of the Ministry of Supply in Luxor indicated that the coordination with the heads of cities, centers and directorates of the directorates will be decided to determine the places available for this purpose. three months.

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