
) Al-Hawar, quoting Nour, we present the graduation ceremony of the students of the University of Egypt on the melodies of "Despacito" (video), the graduation ceremony of the students of the University of Egypt. Is a new local and international news through our dialogue dialogue and start with the news is coming, the graduation ceremony of university students [1969004] Al-Hawar Journal Students of the Faculty of Dentistry of the 39 University of Egypt celebrated their graduation to the sound of the song Despacito and recorded it in their own way, and with words that expressed their suffering in college
Students sing their song, which expresses their student fatigue, and the difficult exams as well as the postgraduate suffering that awaits them, with confirmation at the end of the video that their profession is a noble profession and that the song is only sarcastic and amusing [19659004] With great respect and thanks to our visitors and the follow-up
(19659007) Source (s):
Author (s): Al-Haywar Newspaper, the graduation ceremony of the Egyptian University students on "Despacito" (video), all new and exclusive on the Al-Hawar newspaper website. عبيد "src =" https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/88c88bb058bc09ffc9b96c070b925126?s=150&d=mm&r=g "clbad =" avatar avatar-96 picture "height =" 96 "width =" 96 "/> [19659006] Related Topics
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