The inclusion of an additional 10 billion pounds in the budget, mainly for health and education


The seventh day will review the details of the approval by the plan and budget committee of the Finance and Planning Ministries approval to include additional appropriations in the draft budget of the Ministry of Finance and Planning. State for the next fiscal year, approaching 10 billion pounds, according to engineer Ybader Omar Sheiba, Subcommittee on Plan and Budget.

And review the "seventh day" as follows:

1. The commissioner revealed that the government had agreed today to increase the credits by nearly 10 billion pounds.

2. These increases will go directly to sectors related to the livelihoods of the Egyptian citizen, namely health, education, higher education, scientific research, housing, transportation, irrigation and endowments.

3. The Ministry of Education and Technical Education has received financial support in the amount of 1.5 billion Egyptian pounds, as well as 20 million dollars for the installation electricity meters in mosques.

4. The National Youth Council has agreed to support $ 120 million for the rehabilitation of youth according to the presidential program.

5. Support has been approved for £ 500 million for youth centers and £ 250 million for the Ministry of Local Development.

6. Support the Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources of 923 million Egyptian pounds, as well as an additional loan of 1 billion Egyptian pounds for the Ministry of Housing in order to put an end to the projects of Sanitation in the poorest villages.

7. Support the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to the tune of 2 billion and 510 million Egyptian pounds It was agreed to support the Ministry of Transport and Communications with an additional $ 1 billion Egyptian pounds for the General Authority of Roads and Bridges.

8. Support the budget of the Ministry of Health and Population of one billion and 925 million pounds.

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