The Interior conducts a preventive operation in El Arish and eliminates 13 terrorists who planned assassinations


The security services of the Ministry of the Interior succeeded in thwarting a ploy of the terrorist group that was trying to frustrate the joy of the Egyptians during the celebrations of the July 23rd revolution. According to a statement, a group of terrorist elements was building a house under construction in Jasmine village in Al Bahar street in Al-Masa neighborhood in the third Al-Arish police station. , and prepared and planned a series of terrorist operations targeting the armed forces. Citizens on the pretext of their cooperation with the security forces in conjunction with the celebrations of the July 23 revolution and the memory of the sit-in Rabaa al-Adawi on August 14.

Immediately after the authorization of the Supreme State Security Bureau, the aforementioned wakra was raided and the Interior Ministry was shot by surprise, obligatory to be treated for a moment until the source of the fire is silenced

. Shotgun, 3 explosive devices, and a barrage of ammunition bursts with 83 rounds, 5 rounds of cartridges, and a quantity of automatic detonation.

Legal proceedings have been instituted and the Supreme Security Prosecutor is conducting investigations, and efforts are being made to prosecute terrorist elements planning hostile actions aimed at destabilizing the country as part of the efforts of the Ministry of Security. 39; Interior. Hostile behavior during ceremonies and official functions.

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