The July 23 Revolution puts Egypt on the map of the world .. President Sisi warns of the dangers surrounding the region and aims to destroy countries. Cairo faces 21 thousand rumors in 3 months .. And a war of words between Trump and Rouhani


Explosion of the states in the most dangerous region facing the badet

Iak and the threat of the United States
Two armed men enter the building of the province of Erbil in Kurdistan Iraq

President Al-Sisi Thursday, at the graduation of new military colleges, coinciding with the celebration of the 66th anniversary of the revolution of 23 July.

Emphasizing that President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi pointed out that the banner of Egypt will never degenerate and will remain He said that the glorious revolution of July 23 changed the reality of life in Egypt and l & # 39; Put on the map of the political world.

She pointed out that the real danger that runs through Egypt and the region is the danger. "Bombing countries from the inside, spreading rumors, committing attacks and sowing frustration and despair in order to incite people to destroy their homes, by attacking 21,000 rumors in three months to sow confusion, instability and frustration, All the challenges we face come together over the years

The news quote President al-Sisi saying that the '' '' State is implementing a comprehensive strategic vision to build a strong and advanced nation in all areas, through the creation of an independent state, The implementation of a national economic reform program and social inclusion of low-income groups and the most needy groups offers an appropriate opportunity and climate to encourage domestic and foreign investment and promote the values ​​and methods of modern science in all countries. life specters

. In the region and its purpose is to destroy the President Sisi warned that the real danger for Egypt and the region is to destroy the countries of the interior, through pressure, rumors, terrorist acts , a loss of hope and frustration, a terrible system to destroy the country.

She added that President Al-Sisi pointed out that tracking 21 thousand rumors in just three months, all aimed at confusion and instability and frustration, pointing out that the state has followed the policy of franking people with real facts. Direct, instead of the policy of painkillers and radishes

She stressed that President al-Sisi pointed out that there is a difference between the suffering of overcoming the problem and the economic crisis, and between the destruction of the state and the creation of chaos. Praying the sacrifices made by the Egyptian people for the stability of the country by sacrificing their children and implementing economic measures, while expressing their greetings to the heroes of the July 23 Revolution who had their heads in their hands for the precious homeland.

We recall the name of the late President, the leader of the revolution, Abdel Nbader, who exerted his energies to express the hopes of the Egyptians in an independent free country with social justice, and the name of the late leader Anwar Sadat, who makes his life to preserve his homeland and preserve his dignity. The newspaper "Al-Jarida" also paid attention to the statements of the Egyptian president and published a report entitled "Al-Sisi: We met 21 thousand rumors in three months". President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said that Egypt was facing chaos and instability in Egypt, he explained that the real danger was the destruction of countries, by rumors and terrorist acts, and the loss of Hope of the citizens to destroy their homes, which caused the confusion of 21,000 rumors in three months, causing confusion, instability and frustration.

The President emphasized that the armed forces are making great sacrifices at all levels and that everyone should be aware that the army is based on loyalty to the homeland and sacrifice and construction

. The July 23rd revolution put Egypt on the map of the world, "he said." We are celebrating the 66th anniversary of the July Revolution, which has radically changed in every direction, to put Egypt on the map. Egypt on the world map, "he said, and the national process begins."

The Egyptian president claimed that "the impact of the July Revolution did not occur limited to Egypt, it has spread to the four corners of the globe to inspire peoples struggling for their freedom. "

Donald Trump American on relations with Iran, and published" Al Qabas "report b" Trump warns Rohani: the United States and the US threat ", where President Donald Trump has issued a stern warning to his Iranian counterpart Hbadan Rowhani, threatening him with repercussions" n? has only known a few in history. " "We are no longer a state that can keep silent about your distorted statements about violence and murder," he said. The same newspaper worried about the situation in Iraq and was publishing a topic titled "Two armed men enter the building of Arbil province in Kurdistan, Iraq," confirmed the deputy governor of Iraq. Arbil and a Kurdish security official. .

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