The Macaron assistant stopped working for beating protesters in Paris + Tire



Alexander Pinala appeared in a rioting video of a protester in Paris. But he is an Elysee, close to French President Emmanuel Macaron and responsible for protecting him during his election campaign.

Following the controversy raised by the video, the Elysee Palace only suspended the work of Pinala for fifteen years. Days

A May Day Labor Day demonstration published by the newspaper Le Monde showed a man wearing a police helmet and wearing a badge identifying a woman for a few days. Meters then hits a demonstrator. He was later identified as a staff member by the presidency, who had become a security officer without reporting to the law enforcement authorities.

Presidential spokesman Bruno Roger-Betty said: Only "." It is clear that he has exceeded this … the director of the office of the president has immediately summoned and suspended for 15 days, which was a punishment for unacceptable behavior. "

During a visit to the south-west on Thursday, Macaron refused to answer. (19659002)

Prosecutors and Parliament open investigations into the case

The Paris Public Prosecutor's Office opens an initial investigation Thursday against Pinala, suspected of violence and the theft of a police officer's identity and use of cards for public authorities.

Opposition leaders criticized the way in which the presidency handled this case and said that Penala's punishment was too lenient and that the government was not allowed to do so. incident should have been immediately referred to the judicial authorities es.

"It is clear that Macaron must talk about it," said Laurent Fauquier, president of Republican Party Radio for Europe 1.

Jean-Luc Melinchon, leader of France "" If we accept the idea that anyone can be a policeman in addition to

Some Macron center-right MPs have called for the separation of Pinala and Prime Minister Edouard Philippe, who have sentenced the "shocking footage" of the video, saying that the case was now before the courts. 19659002] Labor unions organize demonstrations each year at a festival in France that usually leads to police intervention.

After his tenure, Pinala returns to the circle near the president and appears in several photographs taken by Reuters alongside Macaron on public occasions.

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