The members of the "White Helmets" were transferred to Jordan via Israel


reported the "Reuters" agency quoted
Some 800 members of the White Helmets evacuated
And their families to Jordan via Israel, Sunday of southwestern Syria.

The Israeli army said in a statement that she had finished
"A humanitarian operation to rescue members of a Syrian civil organization and their families … because of a direct threat to their lives."

These people were transferred to a country
What has not been identified and that the evacuation took place at the request of the United States and several European countries.

Israeli media reported that
The Syrians are members of the White Helmets. This group is officially known as civil defense
But is famous for its distinctive white helmets. The group is conducting rescue operations in the areas
Which is controlled by opposition fighters in Syria.

The official Jordanian news agency said
(Petra) said on his website that the Kingdom "has authorized the United Nations to regulate the pbadage of about
800 Syrian citizens across Jordan to settle in Western countries. "

The agency said that" these citizens
Syrians who worked in civil defense in areas controlled by the opposition
Syrian fled after the attack of the Syrian army in these areas. "
"These Syrian citizens will remain in a restricted area during their pbadage
Jordan, which was committed by the three western countries, only the three-month cap. "

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