The mysterious blood flow disorder is often diagnosed as a depression What is this disorder?


When Tori Foles, the wife of Philadelphia Eagles football player Nick Foles, began to experience dizziness, nausea and fatigue, the doctor told her that she could have symptoms of anxiety and depression. Another doctor told her that she could have a viral infection. But all that changed when she discovered that she had a mysterious illness that affects the blood flow in the body called postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) or Boots syndrome.

In a statement to CNN, Torre Vollis said: "They told me that I had a virus, but I had never heard of a viral disease that causes dizziness all the time so I could not get up from my bed often. "She recently spoke at a meeting of the International Organization of Dystonomy, a non-profit organization focused on Potts syndrome.

Boots syndrome is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system, the nervous system responsible for the control of involuntary functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure and digestion. According to the information center of the National Institute of Genetic Health and Rare Diseases (GARD), what distinguishes Potts Syndrome is what can be called "Erectile Dysfunction", c & "In the case of people with Butts syndrome, the flow of blood that returns to the heart decreases when they change the position of lying in a standing position," says the center. "The heart rate increases by 30 minutes per minute and 10 minutes while standing," added the International Organization for Disease Control.

Disturbances in this circulatory system may cause dizziness, fainting, heart palpitations, headache, blurred vision, gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, shortness of breath and tiredness.

GARD estimates that 1 million to 3 million Americans are infected with Butts syndrome, which often affects women under 35 years of age. In a report to CNN, the syndrome is difficult to diagnose, as one study reported that patients go to about seven physicians in four years on average before diagnosing Potts syndrome.

According to (CNN) that many patients with Boots syndrome are misdiagnosed as having a psychiatric condition before diagnosing the syndrome. A study in the UK found that 50% of patients with Botts Syndrome had already been identified as psychological problems and were responsible for the onset of symptoms. The reason for the diagnosis is probably because many people with Boots syndrome are in good health, before the onset of symptoms, and because 80% of patients are women, and those who are more prone to depression .

Follis, who was diagnosed with the syndrome in 2013 at the age of 23, wrote in a blog that she was angry at first when many doctors thought her symptoms were related to the condition. Anxiety or depression. "I will never forget when a doctor looked at me in his office and said," You are young, in good health, and your situation is perfect. Have you suffered depression or anxiety? I was confused and upset. There is nothing worse than someone who tells you that you are in good health, but you have a bad psychological state. "Doctors need to know more about this disease and need to look more when a patient comes to complain about these symptoms."

According to the GARD Center, the cause of BOTS is not known, but symptoms may occur when they are exposed to certain events, such as pregnancy, major surgery, bleeding or a viral disease.

The GARD Center adds that there is no single treatment for Butts syndrome, but some patients notice an improvement in their symptoms through changes in their lifestyle, which aim to increase blood pressure and quantity. These changes include adding salt to food, consuming extra fluids and avoiding habits that can aggravate symptoms, such as alcohol and caffeine. Specific medications may also be prescribed, such as fluoroquortezone, a type of steroid, or mediodrine, a medication for high blood pressure.

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