The need of Saadia "victim of Umrah" returns to Cairo … Masrawy


Jeddah Consulate: Hajja Saadia "victim of Umrah" back to Cairo


Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Cairo – Masrawy:

An Egyptian diplomatic source said that Hajja Saadia (victim of counterfeiting) returns to Cairo on Wednesday night after proving her innocence of drug possession after four months in detention in Jeddah. West of Saudi Arabia.

The Egyptian Consul General in Jeddah, Ambbadador Hazem Ramadan, said Wednesday in a statement that "the need for Saadia Abdel Salam Hammad al-Assi, a victim of counterfeiting, returns to Cairo tonight after four months Kingdom of Saudi Arabia arrested him upon his arrival in Saudi Arabia on March 20

Ambbadador Ramadan explained that "the Consulate General in Jeddah was able to carry out all court proceedings relating to Saadia Abdessalam and Mr. Tamer Mohamed Osman, suspected in the same case, and in possession of a bag containing about 75 thousand tramadol and narcotics tablets. "The Saudi authorities have maintained the record of Hajj Saadia Abdel Salam and the suspect Tamer Osman after all the official organs in Egypt and Saudi Arabia, especially the prosecution of the two countries, Show right and end the case for them

He pointed out that the Egyptian consulate in Jeddah had handed over to the Saudi side the origin of the investigations into the Egyptian accusation in this case, which proved their innocence after the Egyptian security forces had apprehended the accused Abdullah Almenzlawi (in Cairo) The consulate was in contact with all parties, regularly visited his detention center and allowed him to contact his family and ensure his health. 19659005] Ambbadador Hazem thanked all the official Egyptian and Saudi agencies, cooperated to show the truth and put an end to the case.

"The Consulate General in Jeddah spares no effort to help and support all the sons of the Egyptian community", calling "the sons of the Egyptian community in Saudi Arabia to abide by all the laws and regulations in force in the kingdom".

She called on King Salman bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud to intervene in his release.

During a telephone conversation on the show "22h", Saadia added with the media Wael Al-Ibrahimi on Dream TV last May: "I do not know From my point of view, I am a sinner, wanted by King Salman Yoshofli, I am a slave and a possible mother "

Saadia Abdel Salam, 74, from the village of Dreen in Nabruh district, was the victim of her neighbor, Abdullah, who persuaded her and her sister to donate a Saudi woman to a 15-year-old mother. The Dakahlia police, in cooperation with the Giza Security Branch, managed to arrest the defendant while he was hiding in an apartment on Al-Ahram Street, during an inspection at Yanbu Airport (West). The smuggling of drugs with the help of people in Saudi Arabia and Nabruh, and the arrest of his sister Wozo Jha, and the driver of the car that he was taking with the victim to the scene. airport, as partners in crime.

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