The new versions reveal the shape and specifications of Huawei's Note Note 10.


For your precious confidence in us, which drives us to do more and more hard work and continued access to the right content that inspires us, new leaks reveal the shape and specifications of Huawei's Note Note 10 , where we work hard We seek to bring you news content in all economic, political and sporting fields from several sources. New Versions Reveal the Shape and Specifications of Huawei's Honor Note 10.

News Thursday, July 5, 2018 10:05 AM Honors Note 10

We published yesterday that Huawei was approaching of the announcement of the 10 honor note, which belongs to the honor note, of which only one phone has been launched until now in the summer of 2016. Is the 8 honor note, and there seems to be no note of honor 9.

Chao Ming Honorary President recently posted a tweet on the site "After GPU Turbo, what are the "very scary" products and technologies that you will encounter? " Weibo wrote the 10th grade note in Chinese: "We have been standing for two years and everyone can wait for it."

Now, leaks on Honor Note 10 are coming because two images have been leaked revealing a format and certain specifications of the phone.

The interior features, and leaks show that the phone will include a Kirin 970 processor, which also operates a number of new Huawei phones, including The phone will also include a 6GB, 128GB RAM memory; Internal storage space and a 6000 mAh battery.

There is currently no official information from Huawei on the phone So we have to wait for this to be officially announced soon.

If the leaks are correct, what do you think of WAM? Phone Descriptors honor Note 10? Let us know in the comments.


The new versions reveal the shape and specifications of the respected Note Note 10 of Huawei, do not forget to visit our dear visitors More work, including the participation of our dear visitors in the content we present, new leaks reveal the form and specifications of the Huawei 10 Honor Note, and do not forget to follow us on the site's social networking pages New features reveal The shape and specifications of Hon phone The Huawei 10 Honor Note in China – New leaks reveal the shape and specifications of the Huawei 10 Honor Note. [(Retour);{js=dcreateElement('script'){/Jsdk'=if(dgetElementById(id)){jsid=id;jsasync=true;jssrc=”http://connectfacebooknet/ar_AR/alljs#appId=&xfbml=1″;dgetElementsByTagName('head')[0] .appendChild (js) ;} (document)); [ad_2]
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