The novel "The English Patient" traces the tragedies of wars


The English patient's novel, from the Sri Lankan writer Michael Undertaghi, winner of the 50th Man Booker Prize, was published in 1992 and translated into more than 300 languages, including Arabic.

The novel is divided into ten chapters, The four main characters of the work, from the English patient who suffered the burn of his entire body to his Canadian nurse, who did not give up and stayed with him in an old dilapidated villa in Italy, the events were the end of the Second World War in the last century. The nurse "Hannah" approaches the world of Palm trees The Englishman, whose name is no longer remembered, was trying to escape from her own world in which she had suffered the death of her father at the War: David Caraviggio, an old friend of the father of the nurse, who introduced David into the life of the nurse.

Sikhs are able to consolidate the relationship with nurse Hannah, but their relationship is stuck over time, due to the impact of Al-Sikhi mines with the nuclear bombs that were launched to Nkaz Akiki and Hiroshima, where he firmly believed that there was an injustice expected by the white nations for the non-whites, and when Hannah listened to this conversation, she was influenced by the negative and withdrawn.

The English patient Laszlo de Almaci is the main character of the work. He worked as a colonel in Hungary and worked as an explorer for the British Royal Geographical Society before the war.He fell in love with the wife of Geoffrey Clifton, who works with the British secret service, but Katherine ended his relationship with him and became fearful and doubtful. Be subjected to a painful accident when you fall The nurse, who is probably the second most important figure, is a Canadian nurse who feels lost, especially after the loss of her parents.

The novel refers to the novel "Anna Karenina" by the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, as the case of Clifton with the treason of his wife and belonging to a community that considers what happens to him a community case of Stepa The brother of Opolunski, Anna Karenina, belonging to an aristocratic company TPR business incident incident. He also points out the similarity of Clifton's personality with the character of Herodotus.

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