The number of deaths in Canada increases to 19


Health authorities in Canada have announced that at least 19 people have died in Quebec because of the heat wave that has hit eastern Canada since the end of the week .

The Regional Health Officer in Montreal, Melin Darwen, [5] Local authorities reported that five deaths were also recorded in 48 hours east of the capital of Quebec .

On Wednesday, two more deaths were reported due to Free, one in the suburbs of Montreal, according to the radio reported "Radio Canada ."

"Victims in Montreal are" vulnerable groups such as the elderly or those with chronic or mental illnesses "or those without air conditioning.

The temperature in Montreal was 34 degrees Celsius Wednesday with a humidity of over 40%,

The temperature has risen more than 30 degrees Celsius since Friday in southern Quebec with a rate of 39, humidity of 44 at the beginning of the week

The state of alert due to high temperatures was announced in southern Quebec [1945900].

No deaths have been reported in neighboring Ontario until now. Who also witnessed high temperatures, and in 2010, a heat wave caused the deaths of 100 people in Montreal .

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Children crying under the water

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