The opening of the intellectual forum of the National Festival of Theater on Culture


Cairo – A aa:

Published on:
Saturday 21st July 2018 – 16:33
| Last update:
Saturday 21st July 2018 – 16:33

The first symposiums of the intellectual forum began at the National Egyptian Theater Festival under the chairmanship of Dr. Hbadan Attia on Saturday at the Supreme Council of Culture at the Egyptian Opera, entitled "Mahmoud Diab Theater", at during which he spoke d. Hussein Abdel Qader and the critic Shaima Mahmoud, where they badyzed the works of the theater Diab and his journey of art and humanity.

Mahmoud Naseem, who began by talking about the late Mahmoud Diab, said that he had remained within the theatrical movement despite his departure many years ago and that his celebration of Mahmoud Diab did not allow him to do so. was not just a commemoration of his memory. "Nasim" adds that Diab's writings range from "The Great House" to the last of his works, "A land that does not grow flowers". Despite his writing of history, romance and film, his creativity remains the most important. And even though he was able to codify the popular idea, he also had the ability to monitor and purify the corners

Critic Shaima Tawfiq, at the beginning of his speech, pointed out that his experience in as much as verse deserves to be underlined, adding that Mahmoud Diab's journey with writing began with the early sixties, which was full of many political events to a society living the results of the revolution of July

She added: The texts of Mahmoud Diab have a particular character, they do not remain captive of the symbolic character, where we faithfully find the village and the relations between the members

. Break this use d. Shaima for the term Center and the parties, said, "I agree with them in this term, as Diab discussed the release of Salah al-Din, and finally returned to Abu Fadl to restore his home to Jerusalem and find a Jew who lived at the end of the victory.

And spoke d. Hussein Abdul Qadir said: "d. Mahmoud Nasim has a wonderful study on the duo Mahmoud Diab and Salah Abdul Sabour, and when I took over the management of tomorrow, I offered a land that did not grow flowers, which was rejected by the censorship for an unknown reason.

Hussein on the need to print the work of Mahmoud Diab, and articles d. Farouk Abdulqadir for the most important, and after Dr. Mahmoud Nbadim that the body of the book will publish the complete works of Mahmoud Diab in 4 volumes, and on the way to agree with his daughter Hala, and I would like to print a volume to be compared with the activities of the festival. August 2nd.

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