The organization of the Islamic State abducted 36 women and children during the Suweida attack last week


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The director of the observatory Rami Abdul Rahman told AFP that the organization "kidnapped 36 women and children During his attack on Wednesday, four of them have managed to escape later, while two others were found, one shot in the head and the other by an elderly woman "tired of fatigue"

Were detained by the organization, according to the Observatory, which confirmed that the fate of 17 other men is still unknown.

According to the local network "Swaida 24" on its website that all the abducted from the village of the net in the East Swaida Campaign, "20 women between 18 and 18 years old and 60 years old, in addition to about 16" children and children ".

Most abductees come from two main families Suwayda media activist Noura al-Basha told AFP that "many families have been mbadacred and families have died as a result of # 39; attack. "

She explained that one of her acquaintances had lost her father and brother. In the attack, and lost his mother before they found her alive two days ago near the village, and her cousins ​​are among the hostages.

A woman in the eastern province's countryside, who refused to be named, said the kidnappings were "missing until we were confirmed Sunday with a hustler."

Attacks along the Suweida City

Jihadist fighting forced them to retreat to their points of presence in the Suweida Desert on the outskirts of the northeastern governorate, after removing the number of civilians from the village of al-Hatabi.

– Negotiations –

Activists Exchange on Mo Swaida's social media and local news networks reported a video published by the extremist organization, showing a woman wearing a white dress and a scarf, announcing that she was in the organization of the Islamic State, while in the dark background appeared a number of women and at least one child. The demands of the organization were released in exchange for their murder.

The organization did not publish its known accounts on the application of this video, which can not be verified. "The organization communicates by phone with the families of the abductees and sends them images and videos," said Nur Radwan, director of the Al-Suwayda Network 24, from the city of Al Suwayda [19659004]. The organization claims, according to Radwan, that the regime's forces "release detainees into the organization, whose number is negotiated, in addition to arresting the regime's campaign against the Yarmouk Basin".

A local source said that the procession of the abductors in Suweida had been rejected "The abductees were still until Sunday in the Badia, and they are negotiated with the sheikhs by the sheikhs of the spirit" , referring to the religious leaders of the Druze sect. Was attacked by Russian-backed regime forces for nearly two weeks. "The fate of hundreds of its fighters is unknown," according to the Observatory.

– Shooting and Slaughter –

The organization could, according to Radwan, "kidnap a first batch of civilians". And then took them east towards Badia according to the testimonies of their survivors. "

The attack Wednesday, according to the Syrian Observatory, has made more than 250 people, including at least 139 civilians, of whom more than 60 have been killed in al-Shabat after the organization was lacking vinegar

The regime's forces control the entire province of Al-Suwayda, Syria's most important Druze stronghold, while the organization's fighters are confined to a desert area in its northeast suburb.

After being expelled from large areas of Syria and neighboring Iraq, the organization is still able to infiltrate enclaves and desert areas where they are. slain to commit bloody attacks

The two villages in Syria and Qarqosh in Mosul, Iraq

In August 2014, the organization launched a large-scale attack on the Sinjar region of Iraq, in which thousands of Yazidi women and girls have been kidnapped. n February 2015, the extremist organization kidnapped 220 Assyrian Christians, including women and children from Hasaka province (north-east).

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