The period of domination of the Muslim Brotherhood is the reason for the increase in the population


Dr. Talaat Abdul-Qawi, head of the General Union of NGOs, says that Mouloud comes to us each year with an average of 2.5 million births a year, the biggest problem being the fertility rate

The average number of children per woman With family planning programs and plans, we reached 5.5% in 1980, which equates to 5 or 6 children per woman, and in 2008 we had reached 3 and 2.4 in 2014. ["Duringthepresentationofthe"HallofLiberation"programon"theechodupays"therewasanewApostasyandtheexplosionandaparticularevolutionintheperiodoftheFraternityConventionwherethethingswereallowedandacceleratedintheproductionthatledto35Rjuanaattheendoftheyear2000

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