The referendum on strengthening the powers of the President of the Comoros has begun


Voters in the Comoros began voting on Monday in a referendum on a controversial constitutional amendment allowing President Ghazali Osman to extend his reign in 1965.93 of intense political tension, according to correspondents reported to the press

The vote began with a delay of about two hours in Moroni due to lack of equipment at the opening of the polls at 07:00 (04:00 GMT). In the center of Moroni, the first voter voted shortly before 8 am local time

The number of participants was low in many polling stations visited by WAL.

The Head of State elected in 2016 was a surprise when was proclaimed three years ago months in the small archipelago of the Indian Ocean for the process of organizing public authorities. In 1965, was adopted to replace some stability in this country, which was shaken by a series of separatist and putschist crises . The present system which grants to one of the three islands of the archipelago (Great Moon and Mohile Wangwan) the possibility every five years to elect the chief of

Colonel Ghazzali, 59, from the Great Moon, held the presidency from 1999 to 2006 following a coup d'etat before regaining power democratically . Two years ago, there were acts of violence and counterfeit charges.

There is little doubt about the outcome of the referendum: the opposition calls on the population not to participate

Polling stations are supposed to close theoretically at 16:00 (13:00 GMT) The results can to be announced Monday night.

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