The regime extends to Daraa … and the fear of reprisals


The regime extends to Daraa … and fears of reprisals

Hundreds of displaced people return to their villages […]
<img clbad = "DP-MainImage" src = " -91eae742fcfa / 640/350 "alt =" The scheme extends to Daraa … and retaliatory fears "title =" The scheme extends to Daraa … and retaliatory fears "

July 13

The forces of the Syrian regime, with the help of Russia, continue to extend their control to other cities in the province of Daraa in southern Syria and to the rest of the country. Opposition in the city of Daraa by agreements of "reconciliation". In the west of Quneitra governorate, witnessing clashes between opposition factions and regime forces, the "reconciliations" with the regime have not yet been infected: l & # 39; Khaled bin Al Waleed's army controlled the village of Hitt in the Yarmouk Basin. To fight the forces of order. It is expected that a group of opposition fighters in Daraa, who refuse to compromise with the regime, will leave Friday for Idlib in northern Syria. , after some procrastination of Russia and the regime under the pretext of keeping people in their regions. After entering into reconciliation agreements in and around the city of Daraa, and the city of Tafs and surrounding areas in the western countryside, the regime's forces seek to continue their expansion into western rural cities, including the cities of Nawa and al-Hara. And the civilian there is a joint delegation to the mother To get an agreement with the regime and Russia on better terms than in the eastern countryside and the shield of the city and other cities in the western countryside. Southern director Ayman al-Asami told the "new Arab" that the remaining towns of the western countryside were not in an atmosphere of "extradition negotiations" and were preparing to carry out violent battles with the regime. In a difficult position, eventually overcome the option of trading, with attempts to obtain better terms for any deal with the regime and Russia. On the new, which may be carried by such an agreement contrary to what has been done up to here, al-Assami explained that the activities of Western countries seek an agreement that maintains small arms and prevents regime forces to enter their towns and villages. And makes a safe haven for faction fighters who reconcile with the regime. He explained that these cities are trying to keep their children in their regions to train local police forces to control the safety of local councils, such as autonomy, until a political solution be found throughout the country. "

This comes at a time when Russian military police, along with members of the police and regime forces, have entered areas controlled by opposition factions in the city of Daraa al-Balad. , where the raising of the flag, While the regime forces, for the first time, since 2011 to control the entire city of Daraa, has been But control more than 80% of the area of ​​the province of Daraa by military operations or "Reconciliations" with factions and representatives of towns and villages.The forces of the regime, with the help of Russia, have reached an agreement with the opposition factions in the city of Daraa, which includes Daraa al-Balad neighborhoods, Al-Sadd road, camp, Sjana, Manshiyya, Groz and Silos.The regime's forces also entered the city of Tafs in the western Daraa countryside, after the agreement of "reconciliation" with regime forces and Russians The entrance of the regime's forces coincided with the return of hundreds of displaced people in the Tafs region since Ibt & Da, al, their surroundings and other areas of the countryside. from Daraa. According to the Russian Center for Reconciliation in Syria, the convoy of returnees displaced 800 people, including 40 former members of the opposition, decided to leave his arms and was provided from the city of Bosra al-Sham in the company of the Russian military police. The entrance of the regime's forces in Tafs in violation of the agreement with the activities of the city, the Russian military police and local factions is responsible for maintaining security in the city, which raises the Fears of the population of defections in television and their surroundings. In the villages of the eastern and southern villages of Daraa

The regime's forces made further progress in the western sector by controlling Ashari's strategic hill, Tel Hara, Tall and Al Kabeer. While regime forces control Tafs and its environs, they are in contact with the "Khalid army" of the Da'l ash organization, having a single axis from the town of Hitt to the border Syrian-Jordanian. In this context, the Syrian regime intensified its bombing of areas of the Yarmouk Basin under the control of "Khalid army", threatening thousands of civilians in the region. The city of Samm Golan has been subjected to more than 40 barrels of explosives and about fifteen air strikes, causing the death and injury of civilians, as part of the displacement of the city to the plains and farmland . The Yarmouk Basin has about 30,000 civilians, including IDPs controlled by factions of the opposition.
The bombing coincides with the control of "Khaled's army" in the city of Hitt, the last area of ​​the Yarmouk Basin, and the siege, as elements of the factions of the opposition have concluded a agreement with the organization to allow them to withdraw with the people to the cities of Zizun and Omalia in exchange for leaving heavy weapons in the city. In the Yarmouk Basin, a large-scale military operation was conducted, bringing reinforcements of dozens of vehicles, armored vehicles and tanks from the Sanmin area in preparation for a battle against "Khalid army" who lifted concrete barriers along the lines of the regime, in conjunction with the prevention of more than 30 thousand civilians from leaving the villages and towns of the Yarmouk Basin to serve as human shields "
Regime forces brought reinforcements from the Sinai region in preparation for the Battle of Khalid

The neighboring province of Quneitra witnessed clashes on the axis of Tel Rum – Joppa in the area Central between the opposition groups and the forces of the system, combined with mutual bombing, after missile strikes by the Israeli regime forces targeted sites in the shamrock neighboring city's disk area attended in the North ector of the Quneitra countryside, near the Baas and Khan city Arnaba and the city of Joppa. Activists confirmed that the regime's forces have added new reinforcements to the Kenitra campaign, including dozens of vehicles, armored vehicles and hundreds of soldiers, and reached the contact points with the fighting factions in the area. waiting for a military operation in the near future. Reach a "settlement" with opposition fighters. According to the regime's sources, the "Sham Liberation Organization" completely evacuated the city of Daraa and the countryside and headed towards the province of Quneitra, after the "reconciliation" agreements signed by some factions of the country. Opposition with the regime. The factions of Quneitra province announced the formation of a "victorious operation room" to repel the attack of the regime's forces on the province of Daraa, as the Kenitra province fronts with the fronts of the northwestern Daraa countryside. The main factions of Quneitra are the Sif al-Sham Brigades, the Jabbata Operations Room, the Army of Islam, the Ahrar al-Sham Movement, the Quneitra Martyrs Brigade, the Furqan Brigades. , "," Southern Alliance "," Black Lions Golan "," National Liberation Front of Syria "and" Military Council of Spring Rock City. "

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