"The return of the kidnapped" The arrest of the kidnappers "son of Jawahrgi Aswan" after asking for a ransom


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Four people resorted to a satanic trick to get out of their financial distress by getting money by kidnapping a child and ransom from his father who works as a jeweler.

The incident began to receive Major General Fathallah Hosny, director of Aswan Security, a notification, a message from a jeweler named "Mahmoud A. A resident of the city Daru reports that Mandour's 10-year-old daughter was kidnapped by strangers who asked the family of the kidnapped child to pay a ransom of 120,000 pounds and gold in exchange. his release Immediately jail to the director of security to form a research team led by Brigadier General Osama Helmi, director of Aswan investigation, Brigadier General Jawdat Abdul Jabbar, deputy director of the direction, Determine the perpetrators and arrest the four accused, show 4 people who are 'Ocharf.s', owner of the tile factory, and' Ihab.The driver of a tuk tuk, and Said. The driver of "Tok Tok", and "Sharif.

A transcript of the incident was leaked and the defendants were referred to the prosecution who ordered their detention for four days pending the investigation.

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