The school was conducted rioters was 15 pounds


  عاجل: هادي الجيار: I was in a riot school of 15 pounds
عاجل: Hadi Aljayar: I was at the rioters school of 15 pounds [19659003DearguestsIwelcomeyouagainandthankyouforyourvisitOntheeconomicsiteAjaj:HadiAljayar:Iwasattheriotersschoolof15bookswherewestrivetobeonthegoodtrackofoursiteHadiAljayar:J'wereintheschooltheriotersweremeasuring15booksdearvisitortheeconomicsiteincludesthelatestdevelopmentsOntheArabandinternationalsceneAjaj:HadiAljayar:IwasintheriotersoftheschoolHadiAl-Jayyar:Iwasattheriotersschoolitwas15bookswehadtoshowthemonourwebsiteHadial-Jayyar:Iwasinschoolriotersthatwas15poundssoyoucanfollowSundayJuly8201811:45ArtistHadiAl-JayyarsaidthathewashappytoworkwithAdelImamleaderthelastRamadanespeciallysincethedirectorisRamiImam"Il'Isawlikeababy"

In his interview with the program "Friday in the Arab Republic of Egypt" with the media Yasmine Said on MBC Egypt, he says that his happiness to work with Imam has brought him to the meet for the first time in many years in an artistic work.

He added: "So, what is Matjirch, with all the lightness and automaticity?" He continued: "In the rioters' school, Hbadan Mustafa liked the riots with Ahmed Zaki."

and showed that his salary in the play "School Rioters" was 15 pounds, and was then an employee of the Ministry of Culture and receiving 23 pounds a month.

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Source: Egyptian Today

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