The secret of not visiting anyone for the moon 45 years ago


A report from Business Insider's website revealed why no one has visited the moon for 45 years, despite NASA's success in this area.

More than 45 years after the last landing of Apollo, December 17, 1972 On the moon, there are many reasons to bring people back to Earth.

Researchers and businessmen believe that a base on the moon could become a fuel depot for deeper spaceflight and create unprecedented space telescopes. , And make it easier to live on Mars, through which we can solve scientific mysteries on the Earth and create the Moon, a "The next logical step is to set up a permanent human research station on the moon, the moon is only three days away from us, "said Chris Hadfield, a former astronaut for Business Insider. "We can bear the mistakes without killing everyone, and we have to invent a whole set of things before we go deeper into the space world."

But many astronauts and other experts point out that there are more obstacles The last four decades, a little frustrating 9002] In March 2017, President Donald Trump has signed the $ 19.5 billion NASA budget, which could reach $ 19.9 billion. 2019.

But this budget is not enough to cover all parts of the agency and ambitious projects, including the James Webb Space Telescope, the Giant Rocket Project, the Space Launch System and distant missions to the Sun. , Jupiter, Mars, etc.

According to a report published by NASA in 2005, the return to the moon will cost about 104 m

The Apollo program costs about $ 120 billion in current dollars

Cunningham said in his testimony: "L & Human exploration is the most expensive and therefore the most difficult space project to gain political support. "NASA's budget is too low to do everything we've talked about here," he said. "Presidents and Congress do not seem interested in staying on track. Under the Bush administration, NASA spent $ 9 billion in the Constellation program 2) After the design, construction and testing of the human space program, and after President Barack Obama took office, the Government Accountability Office has released a report on NASA's inability to estimate the cost of the Constellation program. SLS) instead, Trump did not abolish the SLS program, but did not target it.

These repeated changes to NASA's costly priorities, and cancellation after cancellation, resulted in the loss of nearly $ 20 billion.

Jim Lovell, an Apollo 8 astronaut, told Business Insider "I'm not very excited about anything in the near future."

The real driving force behind government commitment to return to the moon is the will of the American people, who vote for politicians Only 53% of Americans thought the program was worth the cost, and today 55% of Americans think that NASA should do back to the moon a priority, although the quarter These believers only believe that they should be a top priority, according to a poll released in June But 44% of those polled think that astronauts should not be sent on the Moon.

But NASA's budget is not the only reason people are not returning to the moon.

Its surface is full of craters and rocks that threaten a safe landing, but the biggest concern is what the meteorites have created, the so-called moon dust.

Madhu Thangafilo wrote in 2014: "The moon is covered with a top layer of lunar dust in the form of talc, which is electrically charged by interaction with the solar wind and"

There there is also a problem with the sun, for 14.75 days it is a fiery field of fire exposed to sunlight, and the next 14.75 days are in total darkness, making the surface of the moon L & One of the coldest places in the universe

Astronauts will probably return to the moon, then to Mars, it's only a matter of time

Lovell says : "I finally think things will come back, they will return to the moon, maybe not in my life, but hopefully they will succeed."

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