The secret of the poster .. All you want to know about the new album of Amr Diab


" All My Life", the title of a new album waits
Audience Amr Diab in the coming days, greedy for words and composed this album
All the more so as Amr Diab occasionally prepared many surprises for the public

In the last hours,
Amr Diab, the official promotional poster of his new album "Kol Hayati"
And the "plateau" Amr Diab, social networking sites, in the form of a poster for his new album,
"All my life," the audience interacted by posting a poster image to appear frequently on all
Communication Sites

The following is done
" Dawn " All the public wants to know
About the album Amr Diab new album with dots

* To be put
The end of next month, a production of his company produced "Nye

Diab appeared in the poster
With a different look, wearing sunglbades, and her hair is yellow
And questions about the secret of this poster

Diab is scheduled to collaborate on the album with a selection of
Poets, composers and distributors such as Ayman Bahgat Qamar, Bahauddin Mohammed, Tamer Hussein and Khaled
Taj al-Din, Walid Saad, Muhammad Yahya, Hamid al-Shaari and Tarek Madkour

Diab's new album is number 33 of his career
Which was launched in 1982 with the album "O Way

* This is the third time that Diab uses the word
My life is in the name of a song after "Hay Hayati" and "Hayati Khaliki

* Diab returns to cooperation
In this album with the composer Walid Saad after a period of absence lasted almost 15 years, after the absence
More than 10 years, the name of Hamid Shaeri and Tariq Madkour appears in the distribution of album songs, as well as
The poet Tamer Hussein participates in the album with three songs

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