The session of the Council of the League of Arab States will start tomorrow at the level of the delegates


Ambbadador Hossam Zaki, Assistant Secretary-General, said that the draft agenda included a number of issues relating to common political, economic, social, cultural and security activities in the Arab countries, including the report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the Secretariat and the procedures for the implementation of Council resolutions between the 150th and 150th sessions. Arab countries at the summit at its regular session (30) planned in Tunisia at the end of the month.

Mr. Zaki added that the draft agenda included a question on "the Palestinian question and the Arab-Israeli conflict". This issue includes a number of topics, including monitoring the evolution of the political situation regarding the Palestinian issue, the Arab-Israeli conflict and the activation of the Arab peace initiative. The security of Arab water, Israeli water theft in the occupied Arab territories and the occupied Syrian Arab Golan.

An official Arab diplomatic source said the draft agenda included topics on "Lebanon's solidarity," "the changing situation in Syria," "the changing situation in Libya "," the evolution of the situation in Yemen "," the occupation by Iran of the three islands of the UAE "and" the taking A unified Arab position on the violation of Iraqi sovereignty by Turkish forces: "support for peace and development in Sudan", "support for Somalia", "support for United Moon" and "peaceful resolution of the border dispute between Djibouti and Eritrea".

The source added that the provisional agenda also included "Iranian interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries", "the dangers of Israeli armaments on Arab national security and peace" and "Arab relations with regional and international groupings".

The draft agenda includes "a number of social and cultural issues", including "support for internally displaced persons in the Arab countries and displaced persons in Iraq in particular" and "the proclamation of the 28th of March each year. year as a celebration of the Arab musical culture "and" the status of permanent member of the State of Palestine in the Cabinet of the Executive Council.Arab Ministers of Youth and Sports. "

In addition to the "legal and human rights" issues related to "international terrorism and the means to combat it", "the maintenance of Arab national security and the fight against terrorism", "the development of the Arab system counter-terrorism "and" the results of the open-ended committee for the reform and development of the League of Arab States ".

The draft agenda includes a number of points, including: "Saudi Arabia's proposal to merge the Arab and Arab summits of economic and social development into one summit and to nominate the Iraqi candidate (Al- Sufirqis Al-Azzawi) as Deputy Secretary General of the Arab League (Charter).

Permanent delegates will discuss most points and adopt their own draft resolutions. They will address a few points and draft resolutions on Wednesday to the Arab Foreign Ministers to discuss their adoption, particularly with regard to the draft agenda of the Arab summit and developments in Syria.

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