The seventh day is urgent – for men only .. Learn how to increase the hormone "testosterone" in a natural way


Dear Man If you are going to get married, this report will benefit you because it talks about foods that increase your testosterone, and you have to multiply them before your wedding a month to have a good badual relationship.

Dr. Ola Mohamed, a therapeutic nutritionist, introduced some foods that increase testosterone in men, including:

– foods high in magnesium, cheshvan, dates, and fish.Many medical studies have shown that eating these foods has an effect

– Calcium-rich foods, when men eat calcium-rich foods such as milk and cheese, leafy vegetables such as grains, cabbage, watercress, legumes such as beans , lentils and chickpeas. NDA

– Foods rich in selenium, such as eggs, nuts and tuna, improve the quality of sperm and improve their ability to move well, so do not delay eating these foods.

– Foods Rich in zinc, such as shrimp, walnuts, garlic, egg yolks, spinach, bananas, berries, apricots, chicken and red meat, which play an active role in the production of testosterone. Learn how to increase testosterone in a natural way – You can see the source of the original news from the link below: The seventh day is urgent and the site of the unit declines any responsibility for the news content, but the responsibility lies with the original publisher of the news.

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