The seventh day is urgent – from the waiting room of the hospital to the hospital 57357 .. Tales of the cancer victory with hope


Many scenes and special moments only know who lives on the path to conquer cancer. As soon as you take a tour to the 57357 hospital for the treatment of childhood cancer, you know the true meaning of feelings and experiences. The area surrounding the outpatient clinic and the detection and emergency rooms remain one of the most special moments for children and their families, waiting for a hard time to dig their souls during the trip.

"Day Seven", spent a day at the outpatient clinic, especially in the waiting room allocated by the hospital for children to spend time before detection, or operations.

  The Chamber

  Entrance Chamber
Hall of Entry

From the heart of the pain The hope of the title of the trip "Fatima Fayez" with the responsibility of the waiting room

A different voice emanates from the room decorated with panels decorated for children's donations to the Hospital, creating a special atmosphere to receive you. Calm for a woman known throughout the room by heart, plates for cartoon characters in every corner of the room, TV screens and video games Jim and the kids are sitting busy watching.

"Baqali, 11, is in charge of the waiting room, and the Maabikkosh children want to reveal their love for the place here." Fatima began her speech for "Seven Day" on her work as the room manager for many years. Hours affect her a lot and learn a lot of good qualities through her relationships with children and their families, she says.

  Fatima Fayez "<br /><span>  Fatima Fayez </span></div>
<p> [Fatima Fayez] " The illness of my mother with cancer encouraged me to turn to a job that would help me contribute even with a simple effort to relieve the pain of cancer patients. "Fatima expressed her opinion about her work at this particular place And she is very happy. </p>
<p>  Fatima says she's dedicated to entertaining kids during the time that she's been in. they wait to reveal them, to enter the emergency or operations, which relieves them a lot and reduces the tension and anxiety of what they do such as reading stories or watching their stories. favorite cartoon episodes, which have created a connection between them and them over time. </p>
<div><img alt= Waiting Room

Through direct contact with people and children, Fatima sees that automatic is the pbadword in the special relationship that has developed between them for many years, She said that many mothers come to her every day complaining about their anger at what They hear and want to defend

Fatima Fayez 1 [src="http://wwwelwehdacomcom/content/uploads/2018/07/25/354fd77a79jpg"title="FatimaFayez1"/>
Fatima Fayez [Leseptiemejouresturgent-delasalled&#39;attentedel&#39;hôpitalàl&#39;hôpital57357Contesdelavictoiresurlecancerdansl&#39;hope-vouspouvezvoirlasourceoriginaledulienàpartirduliensuivant:aujourd&#39;huiLeseptièmeesturgentetlesitedel&#39;unitédéclinetouteresponsabilitéquantaucontebadtoutenouvellemaisc&#39;estlaresponsabilitédel&#39;éditeuroriginaldesnouvelles

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