The tragedy of the mother of Egyptian cinema


The anniversary of the birth of the artist Firdous Mohammed, nicknamed "Mother of Egyptian Cinema" by an audience, is now celebrated, and most of her roles have been portrayed as mothers and no other actress has been able to fight for this title.

Firdous Mohammed was born in Cairo on July 13, 1906. She was raised by Sheikh Ali Yusuf, the founder of the newspaper Al-Moayad, and was educated in an English school in Al-Helmiyya. 19659002] – artistic beginning was in the theater through the game Ihsan Bey with teams

– The film "Forbidden Love" is considered the first film in which she participated in 1935. The film was chosen by the director Mohamed Karim for the role of the mother in the events.

– Firdous Mohammed was badociated with a strong friendship with East Planet Umm Kulthum and artist Zeinab Sedqi, and they still met at Villa Umm Kulthum in the city of Umm Kulthum. Zamalek, or in the house of Zeinab Sedqi in Alexandria

– Firdous Suria married the monologue Mohamed Idris for a play However, Egyptian laws prohibited the travel of single girls (since she was not not married at this time), she married him visually and traveled.

– But a love story occurred between the Syrian couple during the play in Palestine and a real marriage that lasted fifteen years.

– Although she was the title of "Mother of Egyptian Cinema", she was in fact deprived of this grace for a long time, where she bore 3 children but they died after their birth, but compensated this feeling with her daughter. Samira, who has announced her adoption for 17 years.

– The mother of Egyptian cinema claimed life in 1961, Cancer, after leaving behind a great technical badet can not forget his fans until now.

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