The treatment of thinness in 5 steps is known


A healthy diet is one of the most important health factors for gaining weight in a healthy way, where the type of food controls the mental state and mood of the baby. man, and it is stressful, which consumes the energy to burn a large amount of food. Choose the right foods that help build the body properly and compensate with vitamins and missing ingredients that make it look healthy, healthy and acceptable at the same time. According to the naturalhomecures website the following is:

19659004] Although all the vitamin and minerals required for healthy health, the most important of which is vitamin D and B6 and calcium and magnesium. The richest sources of vitamin D are milk, cod liver oil and sunlight. Calcium is also provided by milk and milk. Magnesium can be obtained from green leafy vegetables such as spinach, parsley, turnip, radish and beet tops. These vegetables should preferably be caught in the previous salad should be cooked lightly.

Anorexia may be caused by a lack of vitamin B, which results in a decrease in the production of hydrochloric acid from the stomach, necessary for digestion of food and at the same time. absorption of vitamins and minerals, it is also necessary to have a system Eat complete cereals, black honey, nuts, soy, eggs, butter and vegetable oils are important for those who want to take weight because they are rich in vitamin [B] E and fatty acids
Treatment of anorexia [196900010]

Meal Division

People with underweight should take small, frequent meals because they quickly feel full to be able to divide the meals into six small meals instead of three large ones, which can include three small meals and three large snacks, and the weight of the food is measured by the number of calories that el contains it.

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Meal Division

Increasing Calories

The diet should also include more calories than those used in daily activities to allow excess storage to be stored as fat It is estimated that providing 500 calories over average daily needs to provide a weight gain of one pound per week.

<img alt = "Increase Caloric Intake to Thin" src = " increase calorie-calories-treat-thin.png" style = "height: 303px;

Increase caloric intake for thinning
Increase caloric intake for thinning

Prohibited and authorized foods to treat thinness

Refined foods such as products containing white flour and sugar because it destroys health and excessive intake of refined carbohydrates and fats can help the individual gain weight, but this will hurt the public health, the diet should be inclined towards alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables, and 80% the other 20% of the acid-forming foods such as grains are wa Lenses, drinks containing caffeine like soft drinks, coffee and tea should be avoided and smoking should not be drunk, but half an hour or an hour after meals should be avoided.

No Smoking

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