The Turkish actress Handy Atayzy accuses Talaat Polut of harassment


The famous Turkish actress Handi Atayzi said her colleague Talaat Polut, who is currently facing badual harbadment charges, was harbaded 18 years ago while filming a television series, reported Turkish daily Hurriyet.

The newspaper reported that the 62-year-old Turkish artist had been harbaded with the help of costumes, Ozga Shimshk, during the filming of "The Blocked Apple" "In Istanbul last May. helped him to wear his clothes.

While Polut denied in a statement issued by his attorney all the charges against him, saying that she is unfounded, she said that she would file a criminal complaint against him and sue him because this offense should not go in. Without punishment.Note that the series producer has announced that he will suspend his role in the event that the prosecution has decided to. initiate an investigation into the case.

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