The twenty-second session of the National Film Festival begins


The Cultural Development Fund Sector began receiving works participating in events
The 22nd session of the Egyptian National Film Festival, entitled
"Cinema .. The moments do not forget"

This year's course includes: The Feature Film Competition (for films)
Which was presented in Egypt in 2017), and the awards are awarded in the branches: production, realization,
Editing, first or second work, artistic design, screenplay, musical comedy, award committee
Special Drawing, Interim Photography, Sound, Clothing.

Second: Short film and documentary competitions and animation of films produced in general
2017, and includes documentary films up to 15 minutes and documentary films of more than 15 minutes,
Short films under 60 minutes, animation films under 60 minutes, prizes awarded
For the best film in addition to the jury prize, and a prize for the first director of the work in each department.

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