The union reveals the fire losses of Ramses' sub-building


Hatem Cain, Deputy Secretary General of the Union of Trade Unions, said that the fire that erupted a few days ago in the Union Union accused Syndicate restaurant on the fourth floor and damaged the fifth floor, stressing that There were neither casualties nor injuries. "The civil protection forces have managed to control the fire since the first moments."

Osama Sharawi, head of the movement of individuals in Abdin district, said the branch of the National Bank located in the union building was not affected. And the fire was fully controlled, and none was affected nor surrounding the fire union.

A team of the Azbekiya Prosecution inspected the building of the trade union on Ramses Street, after the fire that ravaged the restaurant and the union club on the fourth floor, while the captain of the traders did not yet reach the union headquarters. On the incident, and ordered the badignment of a criminal laboratory team to take samples from the fire site to explain the causes of the outbreak.

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