The United States plans to impose new tariffs on Chinese imports worth $ 200 billion


US Trade Representative Robert Laitheiser said his country is charging 10% more Chinese imports worth $ 200 billion following the escalation. of a trade war with Beijing

. $ 34 billion last week, China responded in the same way and imposed duties on hundreds of US products.

"Following China's response and the lack of change in its policies, the president ordered the trade representative to start a 10% surtax on additional Chinese imports of a value of 200 billion dollars. "

Trade in Intellectual Property and Creativity. "

The new product list includes many foods, chemicals, metals, tobacco, electronics, office supplies, etc.

The US Government has stated that Beijing "sponsored the theft of American technology for commercial purposes."

A Commercial War in History. "

The trade war between the two world giants follows the beginning of the United States for similar conflicts with its close allies, including Canada and the European Union. Dah and could harm the global economy.

Trump says he's trying to fix a global trading system that's seen as unfair to American workers and businesses.

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