The US Ambassador to the European Union officially presents his credentials


The new ambbadador of the United States to the European Union, Gordon Sundland, presented his credentials on Monday in Brussels, ending a year and a half of vacation.

The US Embbady to the European Union said: Adopted by the European Commission and the President of the European Council, Donald Tusk. "

For his part, the new ambbadador said on Twitter:" As an ambbadador, I will work to promote a close partnership between the EU and the United States. "A time when the relations of the emir" Many challenges lie ahead, and we will work with the European Union to promote our common values ​​and interests in the field of freedom, peace and prosperity on a global scale, "added the new ambbadador to Brussels 19659002] Former United States Ambbadador to the European Union, Antony Gardner left office in January 2017 when Trump was in charge of power but that he did not appoint a successor for the last period.

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