The US Defense Minister excludes cooperation with the Russian army in Syria at the present time


Published on:
Wednesday, July 25, 2018 – 15:28
| Last update:
Wednesday, July 25, 2018 – 15:28

US Secretary of Defense James Matisse on Friday ruled out cooperation with the Russian army in Syria, at least for the moment, in a statement issued by the United States. [1659004] During the post-summit press conference, Trump noted the presence of military coordination between US and Russian forces in Syria, saying that "our two armies are working," Trump said. Together in Syria and are better than the leadership of both countries. "
Matisse said during" We will not do anything more, until the Secretary of State (Pompeo) and the President think at some point that we will start working with our allies and with Russia, "he said After the meeting between the two presidents, Moscow last week launched plans for cooperation with Washington for the safe return of refugees to Syria, and Pompeo said confirmed last Friday that the only coordination in Syria is currently between the international coalition against Washington and Washington on the one hand, and on the other hand, it is limited to a line of badistance for s & # 39; ensure that there are no incidents involving forces or planes of both parties.
US General Joseph Fotill, commander of US Central Command, said in a statement
He stressed that any cooperation with the Russian army in Syria would require Congressional approval or a special concession.
Congress pbaded a law banning cooperation between the two armies after including On the ground, 38 people, including civilians, were killed in a series of suicide bombings perpetrated by the organization ' Da "ash" in the city of Suweida and its campaign in southern Syria before attacking the region.
Human Rights Watch Fighters from the terrorist organization "Da" ash clashed with government forces in the north-east
Syrian public television reported that at least two suicide bombers were are detonated in Suwayda, near a market and in another region.
Suweida Governor Amer al-Ashi said the authorities killed two terrorists. And stopped a third attacker. "The city of Suwayda is now safe," he told the official Syrian news channel.
Suweida's director told state television that the attacks left at least 38 dead and 37 wounded in the city. The Syrian Observatory of Human Rights said that 54 people had been killed, 22 civilians and 32 fighters loyal to the Syrian government. Syrian media reported that the Syrian army bombed militant hiding places in the north-east of the city after the soldiers infiltrated the villages of Duma, Tema and al-Mtuna.
The Syrian Observatory reported that the terrorist organization managed to control three out of seven villages in the region that launched an attack against them.
Government forces and their allies control the entire city of Suwayda, but it is still a loyal faction of 'Push' controls a small pocket South of Daraa province, next to Suwayda, Russian bombing and Syrians were bombed for several days. ) {
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