The world is witnessing a partial eclipse this month


You see technology – the world is experiencing a partial eclipse this month
Posted by: Paris News
The second solar eclipse of the year will be held on Friday, July 13, 2008, coinciding with the mid – month moment of Dhul Qa 's 1439 AH.

The Qatari calendar house astronomer Bashir Marzouk thinks that this solar eclipse would be a kind of partial eclipse of the sun, since the moon will block 34% of the entire solar disk at the height of the sun. ;solar eclipse.

Note that the condition of the solar eclipse is that the center of each of the three celestial bodies (sun, earth and moon) on a straight line and the moon in the middle, blocks all the solar disk in case of 39, total eclipse or obscure part of the solar disk. The case of the partial eclipse.

He will see the partial eclipse of the sun in South Australia, Pacific and Indian Ocean, while the Arab countries will not be able to observe the solar eclipse, as this eclipse will occur at dawn in these areas, in addition to these areas will not be on the right track. Solar eclipse.

But residents of these areas can follow the partial eclipse via live NASA broadcasts via the agency's live broadcast site, or via YouTube via the Internet.

The importance of solar eclipses and lunar eclipses comes from the fact that they confirm the accuracy of astronomical calculations in the calculation of the Hegirian calendar: solar eclipses occur at the moment of coupling (before the birth of the new crescent): lunar eclipses in the middle of the lunar month.

This year, there are three partial solar outputs, the first was held on February 15 and the last solar eclipse this year will be held on August 11 this year.

"Technology – the world is experiencing a partial eclipse this month" on the website of Paris Pews, which publishes the most important local, international and economic news. To be in harmony with your private life, we inform you that technology is partially eclipsed this month. We moved to the site "Al Jazeera Net" and you can read the news of the original site from here "Al Jazeera Net" Thank you for your follow up

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