The Zamalek management raises the names of the deceased from the first list .. Know the details The management of Zamalek removes the names of the deceased from the first list .. Know the details


The Zamalek club decided to increase the names of local players Sunday from the first list of the first team of the White Cavalry football team to leave the premises for the new offers expected during the current Mercato period. 25 players were placed on the list of the new season.

Mitt Obbah's department tied 23 players on the first list of whites, officially named Morsi, Ali Jabr, Ahmad Tawfiq and Ahmad Al Shennawi. New.

The direction of the White Citadel should elevate the name of Nigerian Maarouf Youssef from Zamaleki's list immediately after settling on his next destination for the registration of Tunisian Ferjani Sbadi and the same for Mahmoud Abdel Razzaq Shikabala.

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The management of Zamalek removes the names of the deceased from the first list .. Know the details
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