Things to wait before menopause


07/28 03:09

"Sports and hot foods" .. Easy solutions to deal with the symptoms of "menopause"

American study: acupuncture helps relieve symptoms of menopause

Menopause is responsible for insomnia and sleep disorders

Women's reactions to menopause vary, accompanied by frustration among some, due to the mental badociation with the potential of motherhood and femininity. Breathe and feel comfortable getting rid of menstrual disorders and anxiety related to unwanted pregnancy.

You belong to the first category of women, menopause will not be the event you would like to receive at any time, or you are in the second group, waiting for the rest of your period.It may be helpful to know some of the things you should expect at the menopausal stage Menopause usually starts in women aged 45 to 55, and it can occur earlier in some of them (about 5% ) before the age of forty, which is called "early menopause". "Or" premature menopause. "

Menopause does not occur suddenly, but is preceded by a gradual disorder in the degree of regularity of the cycle They have never had children before

3. They have a genetic history of early menopause in their family.

4. The uterus or ovaries were removed

.5 Radiotherapy or chemotherapy.

6. They have health problems such as rheumatoid arthritis, disease thyroid, HIV, chronic fatigue syndrome or chromosomal disorders.

What are the most common symptoms badociated with menopause?

It is usually indicated by the approach of menopause or its complications , in particular:

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