This site will inform you of the readiness of your country to cope with a serious epidemic


This site tells you how ready your country is to cope with a serious epidemic. This site tells you how ready your country is to cope with a serious epidemic. This site informs you of the disposition of your country. countries to cope with a serious epidemic.

Today's publication between the Ebola outbreak in 2014 and the ease with which deadly diseases spread across the borders of your country, thousands of miles away
But what? Countries around the world are ready to stop growing The next epidemic?

A new website aims to answer this question: provides information on countries' preparedness to fight pandemics, as well as ways in which people can help improve their country's readiness to the pandemic.

The Washington Post says, "What the site does is show the flaws in the country's plan to fight the epidemic and what it needs to do to close it. .

We note that Frieden is the former director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

This site rates countries in the range of 0 to 100 indicating their willingness to find, stop and prevent outbreaks.
The result is based on an badessment of pandemic preparedness prepared by the World Health Organization.

A country even needs a degree, first evaluated by a group of local experts, then a group of international experts.

A score of 80 or higher indicates that the country is "very prepared" to stop the epidemic.

Up to now, only nine countries in the world have achieved this result, including the United States, Australia, Belgium, Finland, Armenia, Oman, South Korea , Slovenia and the United Arab Emirates, according to the Washington Post.

This result means that these states must be able to find and stop epidemics quickly if they occur.

The lowest scores indicate that the country is "unprepared" or needs more work to find and prevent the epidemic, for example, a country may not have a disease surveillance system and monitor unusual health reports.

The website notes that current epidemics in low-grade countries can cause many deaths and spread to neighboring countries and the world.

Some countries are clbadified as "in progress" in the absence of adequate data on their badessment, and some are clbadified as "unknown" if the country does not volunteer to conduct the badessment first. place.

This site also features a "Go to Action" button, suggesting simple steps that people can take to improve their country's preparedness for outbreaks, including ways to help countries to perform an badessment or fill in the gaps.

The spread of infectious disease in the world takes only 36 hours and no country that does not want to stop, stop and prevent the spread of the epidemic can protect its citizens, its environment and the global community in its together.

  • Verification: Suha Yazji
  • Editing: Rua Darkhbani


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Today, this site informs you of the readiness of your country to cope with a serious epidemic. Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive regular news

Source: I believe science

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