Thousands of people around the world perform the "challenge"


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A case of controversy between supporters and opponents, widespread among users of social networking sites, including "Facebook", after the broadcast of what was known as " Kiki Challenge "or" Kiki Chaling "Around the World, and has published a large number of videos in meeting this challenge. Kiki's idea of ​​getting off the car while walking and dancing is like a recent song by Canadian star Dirk, which begins with "Kiki Do You Love Me." An account was posted on the Instagram site for a young man named Shiji, a song of the song, he also commented on the video and wrote "SHIGGY CHALLENGE."

Then many celebrities and Hollywood artists took up the challenge. Starring Will Smith, Kyara and Odil Beckham, and Egyptian artist Dina El Sherbini, who performed the challenge on Shawkna's song by Amr Diab, Jasmine on Bashtak's songs for the artist Mohamed Fouad and the artist Dora and Assam El Hadary. The Egyptian team, and a number of other stars.

Nourhan al-Sayyid, 19, told Al-Masry Al-Youm that it was a great opportunity for many people to sing, She challenged the "Tukh" in Qalioubia province, " People Shaft, the subject is not what is happening here and in the streets and if it is mayshish, and people become ordinary again. "

Rana Fares, a student at the Faculty of Media, "It's a personal freedom, people are spreading and a clear text is a lack of value."

Haya Hamdy, Over the last two days, social media pioneers have published a lot of sarcastic images of this challenge using clips and comics, including Ahmed Helmy, who published an excerpt from his movie "Honey Isode".

Article 81 bis, paragraph 2, of the Traffic Act provides for the imposition of penalties on the person who challenges the public road and puts a stop to the traffic, which is liable to imprisonment for one year and a maximum fine of 3,000 pounds. "Arab" on Twitter "a vote on the question:" Do you support the imposition of punishment to those who challenge Kiki? And the result of the vote 67% Yes, and 32% No.

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