Thurta July 23 and June 30 are two sides of the same coin


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Ismail Nasr El Din said: The revolution of July 23 is a real Egyptian revolution that has made social justice, there is a great similarity between the revolutions of June 30 and July 23 .

In his statements to the editors of both parliaments today, Nasruddin stated that before the revolutions of June 23 and 30 there was tyranny and injustice, and that both revolutions called for to freedom, social justice and human dignity, the army took the side in solidarity with the popular will He continued: The Egyptians brought images of Gamal Abdel Nbader in the revolutions of the 25th and 30th June, believing in the Great Revolution.

The member of the House of Representatives noted that the July 23rd revolution was a change in public life. Egypt is a great revolution that will not be forgotten by the Egyptians after they have been saved from injustice and opened a new future for them.

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Source: Vito Portal

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