Tips for Reducing Adult Liquid Saliva During Sleep


News: Tips to reduce saliva that flows during sleep In adults, we always want to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site. A news site was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive content The Arab and international arena many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political scene , technical and sports and other areas of interest to our readers to post on the News News site, tips to reduce saliva To sleep in adults, hope to receive your satisfaction and trust us dear visitors, tips to reduce the saliva that flows during sleep in adults.

Saturday, July 7, 2018 04:05 News News One of the most common problems that humans face is saliva, which often causes constipation and discomfort The saliva of the mouth can be inadvertently caused by several causes, which can be caused by weakness of the jaw muscles or a large amount of saliva. Each person has 6 salivary glands distributed under the tongue, on the cheeks and on the front teeth. These glands produce about 1.8 liters of saliva a day and when the glands produce more saliva, the saliva can be swallowed accidentally out of the mouth.

It is known that it is normal to swallow saliva during the first two years of a child's life because children can not control swallowing because of their inability to control the muscles of the jaw.

Causes and Causes of Adult Salivation
This gonorrhea may result from several factors, including:
– delayed growth of jaw muscles
– may be a side view of some drugs.
– Eating foods rich in acids causes increased secretion of saliva, and this can lead to its out of mouth inadvertently. Certain neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, or stroke, increase salivation, and some diseases contribute to the weakening of the jaw muscles.
Acid reflux causes an increase in salivation.
For pregnant women, it is normal during pregnancy.

Spermatozoa during sleep
This is common in adults, due to several factors:
Certain diseases
– Sleeping in a bad situation
Gums and teeth
– Open the mouth during sleep, due to the need for oxygen.

Some tips to help reduce salivary saliva during sleep
The causes of increased salivation and saliva outside the mouth must be identified in order to treat them. procedures can help reduce and reduce the problem.

– Sleeping on your back can help remedy this problem and reduce the saliva that flows from your mouth.
– Exercise can help strengthen the jaw muscles.
– A hot bath can be taken to allow the steam to open the airways and help breathe through the nose.
– In some cases, a person may have to search for a medicine to help him get rid of the problem.
Toothpaste by reducing this phenomenon when it is related to inflammation of the gums and teeth.

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