Tips to protect yourself from hepatitis .. Know them and live in peace


Abdu Zaki Books

Hepatitis E is a dreaded disease by all because of cirrhosis and fatal diseases that terminate in the patient in the grave.

In this Dr. Muhammad Najib Professor of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology and Liver Faculty of Medicine,

Personal hygiene, especially hand washing or use of special disinfectants in the form of liquid or gel Washing vegetables and vegetables fruits, do not eat outside the house except in reputed places and take measures of sterilization and non-contamination. Eat healthy water Do not share the personal care tools

The use of disposable sterile plastic syringes and their safe disposal do not transmit the infection Make sure that blood banks and hospitals perform blood and blood tests and sterilize tools and machines.

Vaccination against viral hepatitis B. This immunization has become mandatory for infants and infants in the form of 3 doses, and it is possible to take an active dose every 5-10 years if necessary keep away dried food Or raw or incomplete cuisine such as sushi, lancheon and pastrama.









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