Today .. "Game of Love" and Rahim "B" National Theater "


Bbadem Mamdouh's "Rahim" on Saturday at the Hanager des Arts Theater at 6pm and the "Red Cord" play by director Mei Abdel Razeq on the stage of the Creativity Center at 6pm will be shown Saturday at the 11th National Film Festival theatre. In addition, Mahmoud Gamal's play "Prison Optionnelle" will be screened on the Miami stage at 8:00 pm, "Eliazah" on the national stage at 10:00 pm by Mohamed Hazin, and the "Genoa Wade trial" Cultural Center at 10:30 pm

"The Love Game" by Abdullah Abu Al-Nasr at Metropolitan Theater at 20:00

Artistic Workshops of the Higher Institute of Dramatic Arts begin with "The Actor and Improvisation" "at 10am, in which teaches Dr. Nabila Hbadan. After the dramatic extensions and horizons "at 1 pm and lecture by Mr. Ybader Allam, the workshop" Use of lighting in the formation of theatrical emptiness "will take place at 1 pm and Dr. Sobhy El Sayed [19659002] The National Theater Festival organized by the Ministry of Culture The period from July 19 to August 2, under the chairmanship of Dr. Hbadan Attieh course writer Mahmoud Diab, He played in 13 theaters

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