Today .. Statement of the result of the Azhar Secondary and Islamic Sciences … Masrawy


Today .. Statement of the result of the Azhar Secondary and Islamic Sciences

04:00 p

Sunday, July 15th, 2018

The University of Al-Azhar held a press conference at the Sheikh's headquarters today, at the eleventh hour, in the presence of Sheikh Abbas Shoman, deputy of Al-Azhar. Azhar and Saleh Abbas, head of the Azhar sector and officials of Al-Azhar Sheikh.

Sheikh Saleh Abbas, head of the Azhar Institutes Sector, said that the committees had completed the correction of all the documents of the third high school students from all sectors of science, literature and Islamic sciences

. Indicates that the success rate in high school Azzhar Al-Azhar, Deputy Minister of Al-Azhar University, said that the committees had completed the work of correction, final examination and to audit the notes of all students.

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