Today, the study committee of the Mustafa Madbouli government's program announces its final position


Dr. Mustafa Madbouli's government program study committee, held its last meeting on Wednesday, chaired by Mr. Sharif, the undersecretary of the House of Representatives, is expected to reach the position of the Committee on the Government Work Program for the Year 18/2019 – 21/2022 "After receipt of the explanatory answers in the light of the briefings and observations of the deputies on the themes of (5) of the program, in preparation for the Final Report to the President of the House of Representatives Mr. Ali Abdel-Al .

The five axes of the program include the construction of the Egyptian human being, the axis of national security and of Egyptian foreign policy, the axis of economic development and the improvement of the government's performance, improving the standard of living of the Egyptian citizen. "The seventh meeting of the committee to be held on Wednesday will consider the r Sume final report concluded by the Drafting Committee in the light of reports of subcommittees, "Sharif said, Vice President of the House of Representatives and President of the d & # 39 committee government study. (5) of the government program, in addition to the reports of (25) parliamentary committees, and some of the proposals of the deputies either from the support coalition for Egypt, or parliamentary or independent bodies appeared at the last meeting of the Committee .

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