Tomorrow is the longest total lunar eclipse in a century


The astronomer and astronomer of Kuwait, Adel Al-Saadoun, revealed that Friday would see the longest lunar eclipse in a century, when it is red, it enters the earth and changes color to become bronze

– "The conditions of the eclipse is the entrance of the moon in the shadow of the earth at 20.20 hours, and do not notice any changes, and at 21:24, begins to enter in the earth and a partial eclipse occurs, where the moon enters the shadow of the earth.

"At 22:30, the total eclipse of the moon occurs, and its color becomes partially bronze.On 23:22 the moon is at the center of the shadow of the earth, and its color is completely bronze. "

" At 1:00 pm, the moon begins to emerge from the earth and becomes a partial eclipse until 39, that it is completely out of the earth and enters the Earth's shadow to form its natural shape. The lunar eclipse is an e t 43 minutes, the longest lunar eclipse in 83 years. "

: The content of this news was written by Sada Al-Balad and does not reflect the views of Egypt today, but it has been transferred in its content as it is. is echoing the country and we are not responsible (Return); {js = d.createElement (& # 39; jsdk, # jsdk #, & # 39; id & # 39; facebook-jssdk if (d.getElementById (id) script); = id; js.async = true; js.src = "http: // connect / ar_AR / all.js # appId = & xfbml = 1 "; d.getElementsByTagName (& # 39; head & # 39;) [0] .appendChild (js);} (document)); [ad_2]
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