Top 10 posters today .. See a serious jump for Ghada Abdel Razek at sea


Top 10 Posters Today .. See a serious jump for Ghada Abdel Razek in the Sea Alhawar Journal, citing the seventh day to publish the 10 most important posts today .. See a jump Seriously to Ghada Abdel Razek in the sea, the 10 most important posts today.

The Al-Hawaar newspaper has diversified the participation of celebrities of art, politics and sport through social media. Today, Sunday, we will follow you in the first 10 posts.

1. See .. A serious jump for Ghada Abdel Razek in the sea.

2. The Minister of Foreign Affairs maintains a dialogue with the Chinese phoenix channel .. The announcer is covered by the flag of Egypt

  Advisor Ahmed Abu Zeid "src =" https: //www.alhiwar. co / content / uploads / 2018/07/08 / 595552d28a.jpg "title (19659006) Amr Adib:" The first time I'm a student of Tlatin and my wife, I hope for education </p>
<div><img alt=

Bouchra leaves for Tunisia to participate as a jury member at the Beacon Festival of Mediterranean Cinema

  560237-حساب-بشرى "src =" https: // img. <br /><span>  Account Boshra </span></div>
<p> Account Beshra <br /><span>  5. Mido celebrates the birthday of his son "Ali" in a photo on Instagram </p>
<div><img alt= Ahmed Hossam Mido

6. 28 Arab girls join the program TechGirls to empower them as leaders in technology  Department of the US state "src =" D9% 84% D8% AE% D8% A8% D8% B8 % D8% AC% D9% 8% D8% A9% D8% A8% D9% 84% "The Swedes overcome the pains of the World Cup." By sending an e-mail to "Vika" </p>
<div><img alt= Sweden

8. Mamdouh Abbas: The President of Croatia and the Ministers of Russia gave a lesson on the ethics of sport

  tweet Mamdouh Abbas "src =" D8% B8% D8% 8% D8% AF% D8% A9-% D9% 85% D9% 85% D8% AF% D9% 88% D8% AD-% D8% B9% D8% A8% D8% A7 (19659006) 9: Hakim: Farhan that the song "Kasai Kasai" Lissa Aisha with you until Deloitte </p>
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10 – circulation of a new video of

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The Al-Hawar newspaper, the top 10 posts today. See a serious jump to Ghada Abdel Razek in the sea, Follow us on the social networking sites of our site to receive news constantly.

Seventh day

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