Top News Supply adds "nutritional vitamins" to the bread of life


At the beginning, we wish you good health, we hope you will always be at your best shape. The supply adds "nutritional vitamins" to your meal. We encourage you to provide content that is good for you. information that satisfies your satisfaction. Our supply adds "nutritional vitamins" to the meal. All the news that is now on the scene and we bring it from many reliable sources of information, in a source, an information site, and start with our news today. hui, which is the most important news | The supply of "nutritional vitamins" on the bread of life

Today – Wednesday, July 11, 2018 03:05 – News Online News – News of Wednesday, July 11, 2018 03:05 – Written by Ahmed Ghoneim [19659003] The World Food Program (WFP) and the World Food Program (WFP) agreed to cooperate in a number of areas, including improving the efficiency of the wheat supply chain and improving the quality of the product. final, bread and the addition of nutrients and vitamins such as iron.

This was done at the meeting of the Minister of Supply and Internal Trade, Dr. Ali Al Meselhi, in his office, the heads of the World Food Program in Egypt, which included: Mangstab Haile, Director of the Regional Program in Egypt , Yukina Kwiki, Mr. Khaled Shatila, Program Administrator, and Mr. Khaled Shatila, Program Officer, in the presence of a number of officials from the Department of Supply and Internal Trade.

It was also agreed to prepare an information system and maps for all stages of the flow and supply chain of wheat and flour since arrival in the ports or local supply and stored in silos and Shannon and grinders. And storage areas in silos and shawn, which reduces the volume of waste or loss in the supply chain, to improve productivity.

The first phase of the first 1,000-day program implemented by the Arab Republic of Egypt in 5360 villages was attended by 40,000 women from Upper Egypt, a nutrition program for pregnant women and children until the age of two years. Implementation of this program in cooperation between the Ministries of Health, Social Solidarity, Supply and the World Food Program.

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Supply adds "nutritional vitamins" to the loaf of bread – News – News – News The contribution adds "nutritional vitamins" to the bread .

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